Kerjasama Penelitian Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (PROGRAM SATREPS) tahun 2016 – 2017
Dalam rangka meningkatkan kerjasama dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, Pemerintah Jepang melalui Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan (MOFA), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) dan Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) bekerjasama untuk memfasilitasi riset antara peneliti Indonesia dan Jepang yang terkait dengan isu-isu global seperti Environment/Energy; Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation; Bioresources; dan Infectious Diseases Control; dalam bentuk Hibah Riset selama 3-5 tahun.
Persyaratan utama untuk memperoleh hibah riset program ini, adalah:
- Applicant berasal dari lembaga penelitian dan pengembangan (litbang) pemerintah seperti Lembaga Pemerintah Non Kementerian (LPNK), Lembaga Pemerintah Kementerian (LPK), dan Perguruan Tinggi.
- HARUS mempunyai mitra kerja lembaga litbang di Jepang. Proposal yang tidak ada mitra institusi litbang Jepang tidak akan diproses lebih lanjut;
- Menyusun proposal bersama dengan bidang fokus yang telah ditentukan yaitu: Environment/Energy, Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Bioresources, dan Infectious Diseases Control.
- Diutamakan kerjasama riset yang sedang berjalan (dibuktikan dengan adanya perjanjian kerjasama), dan lamanya penelitian adalah 3 – 5 tahun;
- Diutamakan proposal yang disampaikan berupa kerjasama riset yang merupakan konsorsium riset dengan melibatkan beberapa lembaga riset di Indonesia (dalam negeri);
- Menyampaikan proposal berupa soft–copy dan hard–copy (sejumlah 5 eksemplar) kepada Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi paling lambat tanggal 5 Oktober 2016, pukul 15:00 WIB, dengan alamat:
Biro Kerjasama dan Komunikasi Publik
Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi
Gedung 2 BPPT, Lantai 18
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 8, Jakarta 10340
- Konfirmasi lebih lanjut, dapat dihubungi pada hari dan jam kerja: Sdri. Nova Febriyani, email:; dan Sdr. Baginda Pattyasvie Prima, email:; (021) 316 9684
Terlampir dapat dibaca:
- Guidance
- Application Form/Format Proposal
Informasi Lebih Lanjut:
Needs Survey Guidance for Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)
Outline of the Program
In recent years global issues that cannot be resolved by one country or region alone have been on the rise around the world, including global warming, energy and resource issues, the spread of infectious diseases, and the occurrence of natural disasters.
In FY2008, Japan launched a program called “Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)” as a framework for international cooperation that strives to resolve these global issues. Based upon the needs of and requests by recipient countries, this program aspires to promote international joint research between research institutions in Japan and those in recipient countries in order to obtain new knowledge that is conducive to resolving global issues. It also aims to ensure capacity building of research institutions in developing countries.
Details of the Program
(1) Objective
This program is designed to promote international joint research in which both Japanese research institutions and those of recipient countries work together based upon the social needs in recipient countries. Its aims are to obtain new knowledge and to utilize research outcomes to the benefit of the society with a view to resolving global issues such as the Environment/Energy, Bioresources, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, and Infectious Diseases. In conjunction with this, it also aspires to improve the development of human resources and research capabilities in recipient countries by conducting joint research.
(2) Roles of JST/AMED and JICA
SATREPS is carried out through the collaboration of four Japanese institutions: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and JICA, as well as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED).
JICA provides technical cooperation for recipient countries that are targeted for projects. JST/AMED provides support to Japanese research institutions for research costs outside of the targeted countries, including within Japan.
(3) Eligible Fields of Research
SATREPS targets specific fields of research, which are reviewed every year[2]. Notification of the eligible fields of research for each fiscal year is scheduled to be provided at the beginning of September every year.
(4) Essential Qualifications required for the proposed research project
1) A specific joint research structure must be well-prepared between the research institutions in the recipient country concerned and those in Japan that will undertake the joint research.
2) The substantive and practicable structure for the operation in the research institutions in the recipient country concerned must be confirmed in order for the joint research to be appropriately carried out.
3) There must be a request for assistance through Official Development Assistance (ODA) pertaining to the joint research from the recipient country concerned, and it must be confirmed that the requested project will contribute to the development or restoration of the economy and society in the areas around.
4) In conjunction with the ODA request mentioned above in the paragraph 3), research institutions in Japan must submit a research proposal to JST/AMED, and the content of the proposal must be evaluated by JST/AMED as a research worthy of being selected.
(5) Content of the Desirable Research Cooperation
1) The requested research must have ideas that will lead to the future utilization of research outcomes to the benefit of society. It should not be a research for the sake of research itself.
2) There must be the expectation of improving the scientific and technological standards of both the recipient country and Japan.
3) The contents of the research plan must be narrowed down and it must be highly specific. There must also be the expectation that a certain degree of results will be brought about from the research within the cooperation period.
(6) Organizations for the Joint Research
Organizations of the Joint Research are required to be those which carry out activities with a public nature in the targeted field(s), such as universities (including private schools), public research institutions, and so on (except military-affiliated research institutions). In addition, they must have structures that are suitable for conducting international joint research.
(7) Cooperation Period
The period of the Joint Research is three to five years.
(8) Expenses supported by JICA and by JST/AMED
JICA covers the expenses needed for the Japanese research institutions to carry out research cooperation activities in the recipient country (expenses for the dispatch of researchers from Japan, acceptance of invited foreign researchers, provision of equipment and research expenses incurred in recipient countries, etc.). In such cases, outlays management will be handled by JICA or by Japanese research institutions as is the case with ordinary technical cooperation projects, without the project expenses being directly distributed to the research institutions in the recipient country.
JST/AMED furnishes the Japanese research institutions with the expenses that they will need in order to conduct research in Japan and to set in place structures necessary for research cooperation.
Please note in advance that, as this program is implemented within the ODA framework, it cannot provide support for local costs, such as the personnel costs for researchers from the recipient country, their travel expenses, supply expenses, or the cost of renting an office, etc. in the recipient country.
(9) Selection process of the research proposals
Under SATREPS, JST/AMED engages in public recruitment for research proposals with a focus on research institutions within Japan at the same time as the ODA needs survey that is conducted by MOFA and JICA. Reviews are then held from scientific and technological perspectives while capitalizing on the knowledge of experts in the fields concerned.
Both the request form for an ODA project applied by the recipient country and the proposal document(s) for research project applied by the Japanese research institutions under JST/AMED program are to be submitted by the prescribed deadline. In case that the both applied projects are confirmed to be identical (i.e., represent the same subject of research) as candidate projects for SATREPS, those candidate projects will be subject to the selection process. Then, in case that both of them are deemed worthy of being selected as projects for SATREPS, a final decision for the adoption of the projects will be made. Please bear in mind that any ODA request form and/or research proposal document that have not been submitted by the deadline will not be acceptable.
(10) Considerations
1) Under SATREPS, as stated above, project examinations will only be carried out on projects for which both the ODA request form and the research proposal by Japanese research institutions have been submitted by the prescribed deadline and of which identity has been confirmed. Please kindly be noted that the required documents are to be submitted to the relevant authorities on the Japanese side (Japanese Embassy or JICA Office) by the submission deadline communicated separately by the Japanese side.
2) Please list specific information on the Japanese research institution(s) (the name of the research representative on the Japanese side, the name of their affiliated institution, etc.) that will conduct the international joint research on the ODA application form. With regard to the English project title listed on the ODA application form, you are kindly requested to write the same project name as is described in the written research proposal submitted by the Japanese research institutions to JST/AMED based upon consultations with the said research institutions. All of these constitute important information in terms of confirming identity in the matching operations.
[1] JST provides support in the field of Environment/Energy, Bioresources, and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, and AMED Infectious Diseases.
[2] JST and AMED publish themes for the targeted fields in the application guideline for research institutes in Japan. Users can refer to the JST website ( and AMED website ( for details.